Transient receptor potential cation channel family information
Name Length Bottleneck Hydropathy Charge Polarity Mutability
Ion channel
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Select Receptors
Gene Trpv5
Protein Name
Lipid-bound full-length rbTRPV5
Oryctolagus cuniculus
Receptor Name Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5
UniProt ID Q9XSM3
Constitutively active calcium selective cation channel thought to be involved in Ca2+ reabsorption in kidney and intestine (PubMed:10085067, PubMed:11035011, PubMed:12574114, PubMed:29323279). Required for normal Ca2+ reabsorption in the kidney distal convoluted tubules (By similarity). The channel is activated by low internal calcium level and the current exhibits an inward rectification (PubMed:29323279). A Ca2+-dependent feedback regulation includes fast channel inactivation and slow current decay (PubMed:11035011). Heteromeric assembly with TRPV6 seems to modify channel properties. TRPV5-TRPV6 heteromultimeric concatemers exhibit voltage-dependent gating (PubMed:12574114)
Activity regulation
Activated by WNK3.

Ligand List of this Receptor

PID Structure Name Source pungent TCM FEMA or pubchemCID Reference
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